Suntoday Broad-leaf Garland Chrysanthemum seeds(A44001)
Thick, broad, medium green oblong leaves. Leaves and stems have a slightly succulent texture, milder and aromatic.
Maturity: Approx. 35-40 days.
Plant habit: It is resistant to diseases as well as tolerant to cold. Very slow to bolting. Productive plant, very easy to grow.
Cultivation: Prefer coolish conditions. The optimal growth temperature is around 20℃ (68 F). Below 12℃ (53.6 F) and over 29℃ (84.2 F), it grows slowly and poorly. It grows well and vigorously mild and slightly climates.
Common to direct sowing. Prepare fertile, well drained soil. For summer and early fall sowing, make sure to overshadow to keep them from direct sunlight and high temperature. Keep soil moist. Fertilize as needed.
In spring sowing, in order to promote and speed germination, seeds can be soaked in water for about 24 hours, then keep them at 15-20℃ (59-68 F) for germination. They are ready for sowing when "white tips" appear.
Other names for this vegetable:
Botanical Name: Chrysanthemum coronarium
English: Chrysanthemum coronarium
Chinese: chong ho, tong ho, tong ho choy, hao zi gan, tong hao cai, kor tongho, shi yong ju, tang ho, thung ho, tung ho
Japanese: kikuna, shungiku, Shokuyou-Giku
Vietnamese: Tan O, Cai Cui
Thai: khee khwaai
Korean: Ssukgat
Malay: kek wah, tong ho