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Chinese milk vetch Astragalus  sinicus L Bio fertilizer plan

Chinese milk vetch Astragalus sinicus L Bio fertilizer plan

  • Product description

Chinese milk vetch,Astragalus  sinicus L bio fertilizer supply plant.

Chinese milk vetch,Astragalus  sinicus L, is produced from like warm,humid climate condition,resistant to cold.Need enough water all period.It is not serious about the soil,but better for soil or clayeyloam.Salt resistant is poor,blong to leguminosae,Astragalus.Biennial herbs.Big fat root,shallow side root,cylindrical stem,cavity,tender succuluncy,with hydrophobic pastel.leaves is pinnately compound leaf,flowers are umbel.Normally are axilary shoot.little set at the toyp.Two line fruit to form trangle,seeds is kidney shape,smooth skin.It can be used as medicine with root ,herb,seeds,can be improving eyesight,dispel the wind,remove the poisonous of substance,alleviate pain.It is one of the important of nectariferous plant.

Chinse milk vetch like warm climate,humid and well drained soil, the ability to resistant shade is strong,suitable for late rice interplant.
Chinese milk vetch like warm climate,have obvious overwinter period.It lower than 8 degree clusius will grow slowly.It will be much faste if temperature reach 6-8 degree centigrade.Suittable set flower and fruit is 13-20 degree centigrade.Chinese milk vetch is grow well at that well-drained,it afraid of drought and soak.The most suitable soil water temperature is 20-25%.

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